Friday, 9 May 2008

Time Management

I have begun to do a timetable using a new program I am using. this will hopefully help me and Chris to become more organized and find out what has to be done and what has been finished.
for the next few weeks I'm doing a quick time table on my blog because I can get easy access to the blog instead of my time table.
Week 5-
Thursday: Finish textures
Friday: Do cover Letter, CV and PPD, Add to blog.
Week 6-
Monday:Chris starts animation, I do the next environment
Tuesday:Lecture with Jared/Texture and finish Modelling Environment
Wed: Finish of everything to do with environments
Thursday:Start animating and being forward ideas on animating the environment
Friday:Dan Dali Lecture, Doing Dan's Disc, plus do more work for him.
Week 7-
Monday: Carry on animating environment/finish.
Tuesday:Do Dan Dali Disc, plus add work
Wed:Do Dan Dali Disc and work
Thursday:have both environments finished and animated butterfly's.
Friday:animate butterfly's.

I will leave the time table like this and not add the other two weeks so that if anything goes wrong or if I go above schedule, then I can add that to my new time table program.

Spoke to Jared yesterday and he had told me to carry on with my work and just get it finished and not to worry about pacing it because I was worried about Chris. He also said my blog can be really good if I keep doing it with connecting my ideas with others either from other people or the Internet.

Friday 09/05/08-
Today I am going to be doing my cover letter, CV and Start my PPD, the reason I can't finish it is because I need to get my fed-back so I know what I need to improve on.

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